me is JoeAverage ! **audio sync error** happened suddently to me today and usually do not suffering from it. was watching TV for some minutes and suddenly the audio sync...
**flickering during channel switching** remote/keyboard is this: https://www.orbsmart.de/produkte/orbsmart-am-1/ channel switched via up/down-key at **00:37:04.791** without flickering channel switched via number key pad at **00:38:08.719** with flickering what flickers: top and...
ping @heitbaum wouldn't it be better to move the audio sync bug to another thread ? as said it seem the audio sync bug is a tricky one, sorta: when...
@smp79 quiet clear to me. that's why I suggested to split "audio sync error" out to another bug report, even when I assume that the flickering bug will be fixed...
it seems "moon phase and weather" met... opened a new report: https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv/issues/6187
@CvH which "menu" is meant, channel menu ?
audio sync Error and Flickering seems to be fixed (never seen again since some longer time now) therefore I closed my separat opened audio sync bug report (#6187) on request...
I'm running nightly-20220910-f329064 with GBM (and GBM since month) I sporadic see *some* of this error's "ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -89441.302337", when I *explicit* look in my log...
ping @CvH you're aware of a newer bios (in case you haven't the last) release note doesn't mention anythings what could fix your issue, but who knows ... https://www.intel.de/content/www/de/de/download/18082/bios-update-rybdwi35.html I...
Thanks for looking into it. "systemctl --no-block reboot" (without quotes) does not produce a crash log. I'm no developer (just an IT-Monkey (Support, Admin) retired, using ~20 years Linux (Redhat...