Eldar Insafutdinov

Results 36 comments of Eldar Insafutdinov

Hi Christoph, sorry for the late reply and thanks a lot for looking into this. I think I managed to align the point cloud - if I understand it correctly...

I have a further update: it was not clear to me that after aligning the point cloud the whole point cloud gets transformed and the bounding box is annotated as...

Hi, can you try changing this line https://github.com/eldar/deepcut/blob/master/lib/pose/cnn_cache_features.m#L47 to caffe.set_mode_cpu(); ? I always use GPU, but it never occured to me that people might not have GPUs with large enough...

It's actually very difficult to say from this log, what the error is. I've never seen anything like that. So how exactly did you build caffe? "After applying the solution...

"make solver-callback" - this will have to be executed not in the directory of caffe, but of directory of the solver. Can you run the CNN-only demo as described here:...

Hey, I can't see from the log what exactly is the problem, but it could be that you didn't set the gurobi license file appropriately. This is where the location...

Can you modify start_matlab.sh script or just start it with this command instead? ``` LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 matlab ```

Can you stop the debugger on this line: ``` Error in cnn_cache_features (line 52) net = caffe.Net(net_def_file, net_bin_file, 'test'); ``` and check if net_def_file points to existing model definition file...

Sorry, it's quite difficult to say what's wrong without proper error log. The model definitely fits on a 12Gb GPU. Maybe the file was corrupted during download? Here's the hash...

Hi @Arsey, here it is: http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/deepercut-models/ResNet-50-mpii-multiperson.caffemodel http://datasets.d2.mpi-inf.mpg.de/deepercut-models/ResNet-50-test.prototxt I'll keep the ticket open until I put the links in the repo.