Erik Lattimore
Erik Lattimore
I’m new to Azure and curios as to why the Java sample is the only one that provides both an app secret example and a managed identity example. Also, why...
Here's some code that I wrote that illustrates OAuth in Python (but **not** managed identity). ```python import logging import msal logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AzureActiveDirectoryOauthBearer(object): AUTHORITY_TEMPLATE = "{}/" AAD_TENANT_ID =...
Looks like upstream support in the Python client was added in 1.6.1
The other Python examples in this repo use the confluent-kafka package which has a different API from the pure Python library you are using. I think we should stick with...
I'd prefer a regex if possible. Currently we have to _force_ a prefix into our tags to denote dev images but ideally we just use the `git` versioning scheme. So...
We just ran into this issue with a `p4d.24xlarge`. ~It's unclear to me though if we were to run the non-nvidia based bottlerocket AMI and then run the Nvdia GPU...
Same. Fortunately though it seems this functionality is making it mainline:
This issue was closed and marked as completed but I don't see it referencing a PR nor do I see the model listed as a supported model?