@samuelkarp Is this currently in the works? For anyone trying to do service discovery, take a look at the following article: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/microservice-delivery-with-amazon-ecs-and-application-load-balancers/ From what I understand, you can use a...
Surprised no one's mentioned Weaveworks' integration with ECS, because it does pretty much what everyone here is asking for: https://www.weave.works/docs/tutorials/old-guides/ecs/ Basically, Weave assigns an IP address to each container and...
@errordeveloper or @2opremio, would you mind chiming in please? I thought I'd loop you in since Weaveworks' solution seems to perfectly address this long-standing ECS feature request. Are there any...
Thanks, @2opremio, that's great to hear! Weave Net makes connecting containerized apps so much easier.
@clintfoster IMO the user should also be able to verify their email without having to be logged in, by simply receiving a link they can click and not have to...
@itrestian Could you take a look at this issue? Are there any plans to let users verify email address changes without having to be logged in? Security-wise, the user can...