Hey, may be you can try something with onStart like storing your dragged obj in your scope then reused this on onDrop event. If you find any native way to...
I have the same error while uploading big files. Did you find any solution ? I found this to disable the error (working on angular 1.6) yourapp.config(['$qProvider', function($qProvider) { $qProvider.errorOnUnhandledRejections(false);...
Hi, I have the same issue and my markers aren't updating well. So what I do is that I generate a static map and a dynamic map instead of two...
It's not working for me, while clicking on a ygg link in the stremio Macos App, a red screen appears with "an error occured, please try again later"
I don't know why, but I reconfigure and reinstall the addon and it works now. But not on the stremio webapp on ios using VLC as an external player. its...
Yes! Also, using Outplayer on iOS to play files from ygg works :) (instead of VLC) And ok for DL, you’re talking about the Ygg ratio ?
Yes, the addon is not retieving anything anymore Edit 2024-03-21 : it’s Working. I don’t find the source code of the addon, I would like to contribute to make some...
Thanks, I’m new with Jackettio Il check how it works :) @TuupacFR Quand y’a une série ou un film que tu retrouves pas dans le flux ygg [Tuto_ajout_manuel.txt](https://github.com/danamag/stremio-addons-list/files/14733049/Tuto_ajout_manuel.txt) Voilà un...
I had a dirty way working on every modern browsers, I set an id to my mapbox tag in html then I had the id in my css with the...