Elaine Jackson

Results 12 issues of Elaine Jackson

I am working on a pull request to add support for Java 11 + MariaDB (see: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/pull/1285). I would like to take the initiative to support other database configurations if...

Some projects choose to not unit tests (specs) or use a third party option rather than Amber's build in spec system. It would be nice to have an option in...

GitHub added a new Security Tab that has tools for discussing security issues and publishing a disclosure policy (See: https://github.com/amberframework/amber/security/policy). It provides a template and the tools necessary to setup...

Consider the following model: ```cr class Book < Granite::Base connection pg table books column id : Int64, primary: true column name : String column author: String column year: String end...


Running amber in Crystal 0.30.1 encounters a Granite bug. Information is as follows. **Error output:** ```cr ╰─$ amber watch 07:54:31 Watch run | (INFO) Building... Showing last frame. Use --error-trace...

Bug - Needs Confirmation Testing

Hi, at my organization (@ulayer) we are interested in the ability for Granite to have a sort of Psuedo Arrays to avoid needing to write complex custom setter and getter...


Recently Brave Browser added support to use Tor with private tabs. Would the developers consider adding something similar? Maybe even take to the next level and let you use Tor...

help wanted

In my Mastodon preferences I have the following enabled: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8227641/150201707-ce40147a-8da7-4c5d-a7f5-c6fdc4a67cd3.png) However on iPhone I hit unfollow on accident and was not given a dialog.


When composing a status, if I switch to the Bitmoji keyboard, normally I can let the keyboard copy and then paste. Unfortunately the app does not allow me to paste...


This pull request adds a Java 11 & MariaDB Definition. It is adapted from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/pull/292 (which was made for PHP) and works similarly. This was tested with a private Java...