Elad Ossadon
Elad Ossadon
:+1: https://github.com/MathieuLoutre/grunt-aws-s3 works without a problem. This task uploads nested files as `dir%2Ffile.js` instead of `dir/file.js`.
I did this for now, seems faster but doesn't support instances (which is OK for specs, I guess): ``` ruby require 'binding_of_caller' require 'memoist' module Memoist @@_classes = Set.new alias...
looks like `"use strict"` solves that see related issue https://github.com/elado/lodash-bound/issues/1
It can always be inside begin/rescue with a warning if one doesn't have java. YUI compressed my file 20% more because it also obfuscates code (which is important for code...
Getting this too.
Seeing the same error in jest, when using `npm-install-version` (that uses `deasync` as a dependency) It looks like it's coming from `binding.run()` in `loopWhile`.
I still see `Proc#call` with 2.0.0 and `newrelic_rpm`. Am I missing anything?
But if I do so, I'll have extra spacing on the sides for the square ones, no? With letters, the letter "I" is still same height as "W" but takes...
I use fontforge as well. Question is if there's a certain configuration to make it force a specific height, not width.