Elad Nava

Results 9 issues of Elad Nava

[package.json#L32](https://github.com/emckean/blank-lambda-bot/blob/8361478451667b8caefb8596ae53ad11824753cc/package.json#L32) ``` js "botfiles": "file:///Users/emckean/Code/blank-lambda-bot/botfiles", ``` It's hardcoded to your local repo path, is it necessary? It causes `npm install` to fail before we get to run `npm install ./botfiles...

For some strange reason, it's impossible to Cmd + Tab from applicationized apps back to Chrome (nothing happens when selecting the Chrome icon).


The benefits of doing this are too many to list. Some of them include resolving #24 #21 and #13. Pending resolution of the following Chromium bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=649951&can=1&q=%22hosted%20app%22%20%20%22shortcut%22&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Stars%20ReleaseBlock%20Component%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified# If the bug...


Some sites open links in a new popup to `about:blank` and then issues a JavaScript / `` redirect, as described here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/18452171/1123355 These links currently simply open a blank window...


Currently, they do not, for some reason. Also, it appears that the only way to get desktop notfiications to work in applicationized apps is to first visit the applicationized web...


#2 introduced some ES6 language features such as `let` and arrow functions. I think we should refactor the whole package to use these language features for uniformity.

As per https://eladnava.com/manage-files-on-your-google-pixel-like-a-boss-with-pixelmate/#comment-4486738515.


As discussed in #42 with @hypesystem, we'd like to be able to support more than 1,000 registration tokens in the `sender.send` and `sender.sendNoRetry` calls -- today, sending more than 1,000...


Hey everyone! `s4cmd` looks really cool, I love how fast the `s4cmd du` command scales with huge buckets. Well done! I did notice that `s4cmd sync s3://... /local/directory` actually re-downloads...