Elad Kugman
Elad Kugman
Our tests were written in bash and moving to bdd may solve us several problems : 1. Analyse the results with jenkins is not easy 2. Reduce our time while...
We have great logs but we need to verify that they are working with the right flow, otherwise it may confuse us to see some log appear. [This document](https://cyberark365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/elad_kugman_cyberark_com/EbM6iYimTKlNmJSbVJDjeJoBnk3Mm_o0FCzhLedVG_hnyQ?e=aI5xYj) describe...
The function cli_get_pods_test_env under utils.sh get response "No resources found" as result and continue instead of run it with retry. `cli_get_pods_test_env () { $cli_with_timeout "get pods --namespace=$TEST_APP_NAMESPACE_NAME --selector app=test-env --no-headers"...
We want to improve our automation in several manners to make it faster / easier and better. Its important to do such tasks while our automation is stable, so our...
Need to write all our [tests](https://cyberark365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/elad_kugman_cyberark_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3F985515-C4C3-477A-9E98-6BEFBBDEC660%7D&file=dockerless_testplan.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&cid=6eb95c20-7b32-451c-8fd0-2db6c62fb841) in one place . XRAY is the right platform for this. Today it exist in excel and its not fully cleared.