Yevgeny Kungurov

Results 10 comments of Yevgeny Kungurov

Seems to be a duplicate of #122

Still reproduces. Should it be fixed in IRkernel or in jupyterlab-variableInspector?

Could it be fixed so that re-initialization won't be needed?

Seems to be duplicate of

One of the ways to troubleshoot is to run 'jupyter serverextension list'. If it prints error message "Error loading server extension jupyterlab_code_formatter" then perform 'import jupyterlab_code_formatter' and investigate stack trace.

Is optuna compatible with SciPy 3.9.x? Both PyPi and Conda have builds with scipy

I've also encountered this issue. Reset and panning don't work.

pydeck 0.5 uses MapBox. MapBox went commercial and now requires API key to function. Without subscription map tiles are not shown at all. Pydeck v0.6 onwards provides basemap tiles through...

Hi @eleanorjboyd , I believe there still should be interest. The proposed solution is to run code-server on a remote machine we need to connect. In our case, it means...

@roblourens on HPC users usually don't ssh directly to a compute node to launch a task. Instead, they ssh to a control node (login node) and then submit tasks to...