Elliot Sollis
Elliot Sollis
The data in this GCP is not eligible for inclusion in the GWAS Catalog because it relates to a bacterial (not human) GWAS. The GCP and its submission need to...
This GCP contains summary statistics that the author no longer wants to make available - the GCP as well as the submission it contains should be deleted.
This is high priority, as it is needed to submit summary statistics requested by Open Targets.
This issue was raised by a user query. Some studies in this publication have harmonised files, e.g. http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST90200001-GCST90201000/GCST90200266/ But others do not, e.g. http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST90200001-GCST90201000/GCST90200267/ I can't see any obvious reason...
I need to correct the name of this Reported Trait in depocuration (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/depo-curation/reported-traits). But when I tried to edit the name, I get the following message: `An unexpected error occurred.`...
This submission https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/deposition/submission/66b09e262500c600017e952e seems to have been stuck in validation for several days. Please investigate if there is a bug, and restart the validation to allow the submission to be...
A user has asked if we can harmonise the sumstats files for this publication. I had a look and they are very early sumstats files (last modified 2019) and are...
Background: The author made a previous submission (body of work GCP000131, 1 study: GCST90013791). The submission was deleted from the deposition database, however the metadata and sumstats from the original...
This submission (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/deposition/submission/67a349018cf21e0001111c16) seems to be stuck in validation. However, the user has also contacted us to say they need to replace the summary statistics due to an error. Could...
As a curator, I want to be able to remove an EFO term from the list of terms in depo-curation when that term is no longer supposed to be used...