Ethan Knowlton
Ethan Knowlton
I think these commands are managed Laravel Framework and not `laravel-scout-postgres`, this package simply just adds a driver that scout uses. `php artisan scout:*` are commands provided by laravel and...
I also receive "Error" while trying to use `protovpn-cli --ip`.
```sh $ sudo protonvpn-cli --status [OpenVPN Status]: Not Running [ProtonVPN Status]: Not Running [Internet Status]: Offline ``` ```sh $ sudo PROTONVPN_CLI_LOG=true pvpn -f [!] Error: There is an internet connection...
I can ping ``. There is no firewall. 
I feel like I tried this before and received a different error, but now I get `{"Code":1000,"IP":"#.#.#.#","Lat": ##,"Long":##,"Country":"US","ISP":"Spectrum"}`
The IP and Long/Lat were correct, I just replaced them. Sorry about that.
Yup, it returns my ip.
Ya, here you go... ``` $ sudo pvpn --status [OpenVPN Status]: Not Running [ProtonVPN Status]: Not Running [Internet Status]: Offline ```
I think your on to something. When I run `pvpn -ip` I get my IP as expected. When I run `sudo pvpn --ip` I receive `Error.`
Although I can run `sudo wget --header 'x-pm-appversion: Other' --header 'x-pm-apiversion: 3' --header 'Accept: application/vnd.protonmail.v1+json' -o /dev/null --timeout 6 --tries 1 -O - ''` and get the expected response.