Martin Ek

Results 13 issues of Martin Ek

This makes the `FieldExpression` a struct with an `alias` field, with the old `FieldExpression` nested under as a `Field` (naming ideas welcome), and removes `alias` from `Column` and `ArithmeticExpression`. This...

This implements support for auto incrementing IDs in base nodes. * `0` values are replaced with the next auto increment value. * Incoming non-zero values for auto increment columns are...

Would've expected this: ``` .foo .foo .long .string .ofactuallyreallylongtextgoeshere .baz .each do |thing| { bla: thing, blabla: thing, blablabla: thing, blablablabla: thing, } end ``` To be: ``` foo .foo...

I'm upgrading from version 2 to 4 for a large codebase and noticed that the method chaining behavior seems to have changed: ``` # Before sig do params(foo: String) .returns(Integer)...

Why does the Gemspec specify an upper bound for the Ruby version at all?

Adds support for e.g., `First Last Iii`.

Currently a style change results in two separate history changes, one for the style change itself and one for the content change required to actually replace the word with unicode...

Probably requires a decent amount of special handling, as it doesn't seem like numbers are placed close to letters in terms of unicode values.

[PEP 0440]( states the following: > Whitespace between a conditional operator and the following version identifier is optional, as is the whitespace around the commas. However, currently the following fails:...
