Erik Kluzek

Results 615 comments of Erik Kluzek

I'm closing this because we decided to go with #1604 which is based on this work, but adds some additional improvements to it. We also decided we didn't need to...

One thing to add here is the global dust tuning parameter to the CTSM namelist.

@dmleung Louisa @tilmes @wwieder @fvitt and I met to discuss this. We decided: - The global dust tuning parameter dust_emis_fact will remain in CAM (although it's value will be expanded...

I've added a little design document about how to do this in CMEPS here:

The design doc for the CMEPS shr_ part of this is in:

I met with @dmleung and went over the current plans. I had proposed that CAM4, and CAM5 soil erodibility files be kept in CAM because of the effort needed to...

In order to facilitate getting the major thrust of this in, and to not tie this work to a CMEPS external, I will break this up into two bits of...

This is about ready to come in now. Almost all tests pass, with the exception of: ERP_D_Ld9.ne30pg3_t232.I1850Clm51BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-clm51cam6LndTuningModeZDustSoilErod which fails inexplicably. And ERI_D.ne30pg3_t232.I1850Clm51BgcCrop.derecho_intel.clm-clm51cam6LndTuningMode which says it has different answers than the...

I reran the ERI test from scratch and I'm still getting a difference to baseline which is confusing to me.

I also realized that the problem with the other tests seems to be that using the Zender soil-eroditablity files bumps up the memory usage just enough that tests fail. But,...