Ed Kimber
Ed Kimber
For example, this test project: ``` clojure (defproject lein-ring-bug "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]] :profiles {:provided {:dependencies [[munge-tout "0.1.2"]]}} :plugins [[lein-ring "0.9.4"]] :ring {:handler lein-ring-bug.core/foo}) ``` fails to compile ``` (ns...
The command line config method generates a yaml file with options such as enableMetrics and alertmanager-enableAlerting set to true by default. Since these are toggle options it isn't possible to...
Separate the RPC host and engine host options so that they can, for example, bind to different interfaces
The lnd TLS key and certificate are generated by the secrets script. If this is set to manual, for example, if you wish to supply preconfigured secrets with sops, then...