Eugene Khabarov

Results 4 issues of Eugene Khabarov

Repo with an example ## Reproducing steps ```proto //service.proto syntax = "proto3"; package mypackage; option go_package = "pb"; import "protoc-gen-struct-transformer/options/annotations.proto"; import "protobuf/gogoproto/gogo.proto"; option (transformer.go_repo_package) = "repeated"; option (transformer.go_protobuf_package) =...


At the moment this plugin generates two files for each processed `*.proto` file with names: * `_transformer.go` * `options.go` In this case it's hard to say were these files auto-generated...

good first issue
easy implementation

Go linter report available [here](

Source structure ```go type Source struct { I int `sts: "First.Second.Third.I"` S int `sts: "First.S"` } ``` destination structure ```go type Dest struct { First struct { Second struct {...
