Edwin Keijl

Results 7 comments of Edwin Keijl

Webpack [alias](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/#resolvealias) to the rescue! Create `./date-fns-locale.js` next to your Webpack config. Here you re-export all the locales you need: ``` export { default as enGB } from 'date-fns/locale/en-GB'; export...

I think it would be really useful if we can access the `context` in this function (e.g. `globals`/`parameters`, see [here for an example](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/essentials/toolbars-and-globals)), even more so than `args`. Sometimes you...

I've been using Valtio for a while now and it simplifies state management so much! It's super easy to separate a store with actions from the rest of your app...

The issue should still be fixed, but as a temporary solution you can add this to ` .yarnrc.yml`: ``` pnpMode: "loose" packageExtensions: "vite@*": dependencies: "supports-color": "*" "debug@*": dependencies: "supports-color": "*"...

> On React v17, tried with and without "npm install react-html-parser --legacy-peer-deps" and still getting errors as: "Compiled with problems: ERROR in ./node_modules/react-html-parser/node_modules/htmlparser2/lib/WritableStream.js 9:13-37 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve...

For people still struggling with this: the issue mostly seems to occur when you wrap your DnD enabled component directly with a DnDProvider (instead of using the Provider at the...

> > For people still struggling with this: the issue mostly seems to occur when you wrap your DnD enabled component directly with a DnDProvider (instead of using the Provider...