Eivind Lindbråten
Eivind Lindbråten
Getting similar error, with different code.
Yes, I'm getting different formatting results from using the plugin, compared to running `yarn prettier --write .`. Looks like it's not using the config, and/or the correct prettier version located...
Got the same error today.
Is there anyone mantaining this plugin? Or is there any other, more actively maintaned plugins for Atom?
I'm currently looking into the same thing. Would love to see support for online events. EDIT: Also some way to add custom JSON-LD as mentioned above, would be great, so...
I would also love this! Our use case: We have highly custom documentation code with much more `tsx` than `md`. So the `mdx` format creates more trouble than what it...
Would love to see something like this myself. How do you currently remove a property from Person? Do you mind sharing that code as well? 😊
Same issue here. Anyone figure something out? Might be something related to how the project is served. I get the same error locally, but if I deploy to remote server,...
Here is a great article about sizing menu bar icons: https://alastairs-place.net/blog/2013/07/23/nsstatusitem-what-size-should-your-icon-be/ It also includes a calculator. Regarding the color. The icons is only used as a 'shape template' or mask,...