Eisneim Terry
Eisneim Terry
same here! pls support other language
@tarjei contributions are welcomed
@linxiaochuang 比较忙在学习CV
@linxiaochuang 有空还会继续录的;cv = computer vision
@styler00dollar does export onnx work in 2023?
here is my quick solution and it works: change just one line in `train_nsf_sim_cache_sid_load_pretrain.py` ``` def main(): n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() ``` change to this: ``` def main(): n_gpus = torch.backends.mps.is_available()...
@Pkoiralap thanks for your info, im using *jax-metal*, i installed eva-decord and update all libs, remove the mes-dim line, but still i got data type unsuppored error: ``` jaxlib.xla_extension.XlaRuntimeError: UNKNOWN:...
@DidaDidaDidaD have you tried @magicse 's method? does it work?