Ein Verne

Results 20 issues of Ein Verne

add following line to `_config.yml` file: ``` gems: - jekyll-feed ``` it will generate `feed.xml` file in the root of your repository. Ref: - https://help.github.com/articles/atom-rss-feeds-for-github-pages/ - https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed

I have read the mobi module, however I cannot find anything related to mobi file's cover image. Is there any method to extract the cover image from mobi file?

我看到了 https://github.com/ninja33/mdx-server/issues/2 关于单词大小写的讨论,一个项目专注于一件事情本来是非常正确的事。 我经过一些调研,GoldenDict 通过 "构词法规则库"(Morphology)可以轻松的实现,但是 mdx-server 则不那么容易实现。Python 中我看到可以通过 nltk 这个库来去除单词的形变,是否可以考虑将单词去除形变作为一个可选项整合到 mdx-server 中,如果可以我提交 pull-request。 另外请问下作者有其他单词形变相关的 lib 吗?

在 Funfile 中定义依赖时发现只能一个个定义,`-r` 选项不支持,无法使用 `pip install -r requirement.txt`. RUN fun-install pip install -h

Description ----------- Fresh install antigen, cannot install plugins. It shows ``` Installing robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh... Error! Activate logging and try again. ``` Steps to reproduce ------------------ I clone antigen repository to local:...

I have notice some code changes in recent update that you have delete some code with `discreteSeekBar`. So it there any plan to integrate with it?

I cannot login into my Evernote account cause the UI stuck after I input my email account, there is no password input box promote like the website. And also there...

I tried to switch from the traditional Dubbo config `dubbo.properties` to dubbo-spring-boot-start and config dubbo config in application.properties. But after I delete my dubbo.properties configuration file. I cannot start the...

version: 0.9.7 Each time I use Class search, thrift support plugin make IDE crash. Following is details. ``` Worker exited due to exception: com/intellij/util/indexing/IndexId java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/intellij/util/indexing/IndexId at com.intellij.plugins.thrift.ThriftClassContributor.getNames(ThriftClassContributor.java:21) at com.intellij.ide.util.gotoByName.ContributorsBasedGotoByModel$2.processInReadAction(ContributorsBasedGotoByModel.java:111)...