
Results 10 comments of eins

Hello folks, any news about this ticket, conductor and kubernetes support ?

any updates on this topic folks ?

> any updates on this topic folks ? any updates on this topic now?

@juliogonzalez I never used SUSEConnect at all. ```sh spacewalk-repo-sync -vvv --channel ubuntu-2204-amd64-main-uyuni ``` this is interesting. that spacewalk-repo-sync is wrong. it should be which in this case is ```ubuntu-2204-amd64-main``` How...

@juliogonzalez thanks again for the reply I removed ubuntu 22.04 channels and Repositories from the uyuni server ui. there is no trace of 22.04 in uyuni server ui --> Manage...

> > User 1 ? > > Yeah, that's the id of the admin user. Confusing indeed. > > > ``` > > ERROR: ubuntu-22.04-pool-amd64-uyuni could not be found at...

I bootstrap a 22.04 minion and I noticed that the 22.04 channels do not have universe, I can't update packages like nginx without it. why 22.04 channel do not have...

@mackdk thanks for the reply. There is something odd I can't find nginx package after the bootstrap the universe 22.04 channel in the command line ``` spacewalk-common-channels -l | grep...

@mackdk thanks again for the replies. I finally fixed the issue with my 22.04 channels and I got updates for the 22.04 minion and packages like nginx were available. as...

Hello folks @VladimirPal any progress with this feature request: dark mode ? the same question is in this issue https://github.com/web-pal/chronos-timetracker/issues/212, can we close it and link to #192 ? thanks