Jan Pingel

Results 36 issues of Jan Pingel

When working with web workers in the browser (or CloudFlare Workers) we do not have access to ``FormData.getHeaders()`` to construct requests (example in https://github.com/mikeal/bent/issues/121#issuecomment-708462122) and bent will default to application/json...

While Raven Reader registers the URI Scheme ravenreader:// in launch services it does not appear to support opening the subscribe dialog when passed a RSS feed URL. Generally most macOS...

Fixes https://github.com/hijiriworld/intuitive-custom-post-order/issues/8 This will allow enabled custom posts to be sorted by their custom order when browsed by taxonomy archives without enabling the default post type.

The plugin fails to reorder custom post types when viewing archives by taxonomy unless the default post type is enabled. With only custom post types it will not be reordered...

This should fix MatthewRuddy/displaytweets/issues/9 which looks like the same issue from the support forums here: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/date_i18n-and-timestamps

It looks like the mem WP CLI command is not being detected when installing the develop branch via composer: ``` $ composer require tollmanz/wordpress-pecl-memcached-object-cache:~2.0 ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer...

For example, if you try and post a new topic and leave the title blank with the following content: ``` ![enter image description here][1] [1]: http://example.org/test.png ``` The post will...

input: ``` 123 test ``` output: ``` 123 test ``` Editing the posts afterwards corrects it when converting to markdown. To me this seems like it should be a bug...

Input ``` asdf `` asdf ``` Output: ``` asdf asdf ```