Bulk / overview ticket for all issues that didn't fit anywhere else. _When working on new tickets please consider their priority._ #75 **MQTT** #74 **[Events]** Subscription ### **Bugs:** #69 **[Bug]**...
Bulk / overview ticket for all issues related to the **UI** wich do not fit into other overview tickets. [Should be updated, when new tickets regarding the UI arise or...
In the Config Tab of the Thing Description Interface the user can select the option 'raw' or 'form-fields'. The option 'form-fields' is not yet implemented. **What should the option form-field...
Bulk / overview ticket for all issues related to the Timing Performance / Benchmarking feature. [Should be updated, when new tickets regarding this topic arise or are being updated.] _When...
When in the 'performance' tab, the output is not resetted when a new selection is made in the 'Interaction Selection'. This is unwanted behaviour -> the output should be resetted.
Bulk / overview ticket for all issues related to the **Thing Description Interface** in W-ADE. This includes the **Editor** view. [Should be updated, when new tickets regarding the Editor arise...
When clicking the 'Reset selections' button in 'Editor' or 'Performance' the selections are not always resetted in the UI. (They are resetted in the backend, however)
Bulk / overview ticket for all issues related to the Sidebar. [Should be updated, when new tickets regarding the Sidebar arise or are being updated.] ### **Enhancement** #43 **[Sidebar]** Confirm...
When first opening the W-ADE application, the sidebar is opened and expanded. It contents should either be hidden, or the sidebar shouldn't be shown full-size.
When clicking on a folder, its content should be shown. Atm you have to click two times before the content is shown, and the incorrect dropdown icon is shown on...