> I was wondering if there was any progress/timeframe on this? Thanks. Sorry, no there is nothing like this. I might get to it this year, but it's not for...
Thank you for the kind words! My first impression for folders was that this is out of scope for sharry. But I really like the idea! It would also allow...
Hi @wereii and thank you! :-) I'm sorry that sharry gets not as much attention currently from me. But I have put some time aside for it already, that should...
Ok I see - so to reassure I understood correctly: you would need an option that sharry starts up, copies files and then stops? Regarding H2: I personally would use...
I'm not sure if that is possible (better: I don't know how). I think there is viewerjs that can display ODT documents, but I don't know how I can add...
Ah yes, that would work, thank you! But it also means that you send all the files to google. And it only works if the share is published, because otherwise...
Hi, I have to admit I can't even remember myself in all detail what I thought many years ago. Currently only published shares are cleaned up if the validity time...
The validity of an alias is "copied" to the share that is created by this alias. But as you wrote, these "private" shares are not taken into account in the...
Sharry was once build for this use case mainly: upload a file, do some settings and publish it. You wouldn't upload a file without publishing it really. When receiving files,...
Do you think this is a common problem? It never occurred to me at least…. When you download the files, the browser will rename the second one for you. I...