You can manually patch and configure sFall to chainload cnc-ddraw and take full advantage of its every feature incl. the OpenGL and GDI renderers, fancy GLSL shaders, etc: https://github.com/sfall-team/sfall/issues/504#issuecomment-1939623000
A greyed-out box can look confusing, but removing the box completely for unsupported renderers, wouldn't that look self-explanatory? There also could be a plain text string like "GDI doesn't support...
Current (dirty) solution in a nutshell: 1. HEX edit sfall's ddraw.dll so that the first two ddraw.dll references (in plain ASCII text) stay intact and the remaining three are changed...
So I made a clean install of GOG Fallout 2, installed the latest sfall 4.4.2, replaced ddraw.dll with the one you gave me... It _does_ load the custom dll: https://i.postimg.cc/Pqnyk2wV/custom-dll.jpg...
Just patched FO2 with Mash's patch 4.1.8 sFall coughed up the expected warning on launch... Set in ddraw.ini: HiResMode=0 Mode=0 The thing keeps running on DX9 and I have no...
Just double checked, with Mash's patch the game responds to every change that I make in f2_res_config.exe (like resolution or color bit depth) except when I set the graphics mode...
Cnc has always worked with vanilla Fallout 2. It’s literally on the supported games list. I’ve done that countless times. Cnc also works with every QoL extension provided by sfall...
Setting Mode to 1 in sfall 5 makes the game go full DX7 which is why it is obligatory for cnc to work. Mode 1 is described as "DX7 fullscreen",...
> I mean using HRP 3.0.6 with sfall (w/ built-in HRP disabled, or try 3.8.x which doesn't have built-in HRP to make things a bit simpler). What about mods and...