Hi, I have successfully merged my MAF files with `merge_mafs()` function. I created the MAF object and everything is good, I can plot the summaries and oncoplots. But I want...
Hi there, I am reading a maf file, converted with vcf2maf.pl from https://github.com/mskcc/vcf2maf I converted it from a VCF which only have PASS variants like this: perl vcf2maf.pl --input-vcf /Users/abelgd/Desktop/training_bioinfo/VCFs_pipeline_curro/tejidos_vcfs_PASS/descomp/PCT75.filtered.PASS.vcf...
Hi there, I just create a Sankey diagram and everything worked well. I wan to center the text inside the gray boxes of each node and to put them under...
Hi, First of all, thank you for your contribution. I am following the demo described in [https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/cfDNAPro/inst/doc/cfDNAPro.html](url) and is not working for me. Sorry but I'm very new to bioinformatics....