Elias Hohl
Elias Hohl
**Checklist** * [x] The error is in the library's code, and not in my own. * [x] I have searched for this issue before posting it and there isn't a...
**Bug report** When I use `pdf2txt` on a specific PDF file, I get some sentences printed out three times: ``` high volatility of their newly traded tokens. By immediately allowing...
Only allows files to be fetched when referenced by their real path (no `../` or `./` magic).
I need to add the following submodels to PyBaMM: **Coupling between Li plating and SEI growth:** Possibilities: Arora, Doyle and White, Yang et al. and Zhao et al. - Arora,...
## New Feature Request ### Checklist - [x ] I am not disclosing a [vulnerability](https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/Moralis-Python-SDK/blob/main/SECURITY.md). - [x ] I have searched through [existing issues](https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/Moralis-Python-SDK/issues?q=is%3Aissue) and the [Moralis Forum](https://forum.moralis.io/). ### Current...
Please add a license to make the further improvement and use of this code possible, I suggest the commonly used MIT license: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License Thanks & regards Elias Hohl
I believe the AuthorDate should be used instead of the CommitDate for the hours estimate. Otherwise, a rebase (for example) would reduce the work time drastically because all commits are...