Elias Hohl
Elias Hohl
Update: I found another file affected by a similar issue: [WHITEPAPER.pdf](https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six/files/7867023/WHITEPAPER.pdf) When using my own code which also outputs positions, I see that entries are duplicated again. However, this time...
> > I do not worry about this, people should not use some super special characters in filenames and I do not see this in the responsibility of Tornado. >...
Hi and thanks to both of you for having a look at this. @alexgoryushkin was this the major memory leak in your setup, is the RAM consumption approximately constant after...
@alexgoryushkin have you seen all the messages above? the entity cache problem was known to us, ``` client._entity_cache.clear() ``` worked for me. I did not know however that there is...
> @ehtec have you found how to clean _mb_entity_cache? client._mb_entity_cache.clear() dont work( No, I don't have this code running at the moment so cannot test. Try to figure out what...
This question does not make sense to me. Although it seems like a weird idea to run a docker for an interactive terminal application, it should make no difference whether...
I have the same issue, please fix this. @Manith-2001 have you found a fork / fixed it on your own?
You can already do this with pressing `a` on the keyboard, recommend to close this issue
This is correct, but doesn't change the issue I am facing. I'm actually not using requirements.txt, I just install it via Pip from PyPi. After getting the dependency conflicts, I...