Esther E. Song

Results 16 issues of Esther E. Song

I tired from contractions import CONTRACTION_MAP but it didn't work, so I ended up finding file with the dictionary of phrases and expansions name "CONTRACTION_MAP". Does this mean that...

Hello, It's my first time using your scraper, and first I would like to thank you so much for creating this, it is super helpful! I was going through the...

I ran this in jupyter notebook: `scrape(since="2020-05-20", until="2020-05-30", from_account = handle, interval=1, headless=True, display_type="Top", save_images=False, resume=False, filter_replies=True, proximity=True)` And I ran the handle `'minjung_dal'` the code runs, but says `path:...

Python 버전 3.9.7 KoalaNLP 버전 koalanlp-2.1.7 KoalaNLP를 사용한 코드 부분을 보여주세요. from koalanlp.Util import initialize, finalize from koalanlp.proc import * from koalanlp import API initialize(java_options="-Xmx4g -Dfile.encoding=utf-8", KKMA="2.0.2", EUNJEON="2.0.2", ETRI="2.0.2") 안녕하세요,...

Hi, I have a p_map set up in jupyter notebook, but instead of the progress bar, I get: HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=1827402.0), HTML(value=''))) I have tried the following in terminal: jupyter nbextension...

Hi, I don't know if this package still works but the query_tweet function is throwing WorkerError, which I don't understand: `query_tweets(handle, limit=None,, 5, 10), enddate=enddateset, poolsize=1, lang='')` This is...

Hi, I really enjoy using your module - but unfortunately, I really need the text in the profile and your module does not have this feature. In the, all...

feature request

I found out that the profiles are not scraped if there are no tweets made by the accounts: ``` from twitterscraper.query import query_user_info user_info = query_user_info(user= 'AmericanEagleEq') --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback...

First, thank you so much for creating this module, it is very useful! I have a list of handles and I am using query_tweet to query and store the results:...

Hi, I have a question about your scraper - does it scrape ALL tweets from the account holder when the handle name is included in the query?