
Results 5 comments of ehoffman2

Je me demandais, il y a le projet DépotQuébec, pour Kodi, avec un plugin, et ça mentionne: 3.0.2 -Ajout d'une option pour forcer la désactivation des DRM (vieux Kodi...

Note, I was able to run sassa using the command: `java --module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib/ --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar sassa-v0.6.3.jar`

I've had similar problem decompiling Minecraft client 1.17.1 along with Mojang/Microsoft's provided ProGuard deobfuscation mapping file. With default Java params I got "out of memory", same with -xmx 4GB. When...

> Why do you want to decompile the client using Enigma? You can use the genSources task from Fabric Loom, it's less memory intensive because it does only decompilation instead...

Actually, I was not using the code as is, so I don't have the setup to test the issue in the current code itself. I actually found this bug because...