Edmund Higham

Results 11 issues of Edmund Higham

Hi! I hope you can help me with the following. I'm using `clojure.spec.alpha/or` to define a route that takes one of two maps as the request body. The maps don't...

When calling `launch_gateway` with `javaopts=['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005']` it'll fail to parse the server port from stdout: ``` File py4j/java_gateway.py:337, in launch_gateway(port, jarpath, classpath, javaopts, die_on_exit, redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr, daemonize_redirect, java_path, create_new_process_group, enable_auth, cwd,...


When users expose JVM debug ports, the JVM prints information about the debug port on initialization (ie before `main` is invoked). Discard stdout noise until the port is successfully read.

Later versions of IDEA can't run tests with our current testng and scalatest versions. Update to latest and fix fallout.

We want to track Hail's performance with every release for a number of reasons, including but not limited to: - Measure how we are doing in delivering value to scientists...


setup.py complains awfully when you invoke it directly. Apparently this sort of thing is unacceptable and the recommended workflow for building wheels is to use `build`. See the link below...

Python integration tests often fail waiting to allocate highmem instances for worker jobs. Since we control both APIs, it seems reasonable to move the testing burdon for vm allocation onto...

### What happened? Reproduction example, passed on spark, fails on batch and local ```python import hail as hl def main(): hl.init(backend='batch') args = type('Args', (object,), { 'radius': 1e7, 'overwrite': True...


### What happened? From: https://discuss.hail.is/t/connectionerror-after-mt-aggregate-cols-hl-agg-collect-and-hl-nd-array-in-linear-skat/3839 The following code snippet blows up from OOM. Interestingly, I can only reproduce for `_localize=False`, indicating we have an problem with our `Emit` rule for...
