Edouard Goudenhoofdt
Edouard Goudenhoofdt
Althought not explicitely mentioned in the documentation, the wradlib xarray reader is not agnostic and based on the "WMO" CfRadial2 conventions, which extend the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata...
Hi, I followed the instructions on the wiki then I tried : eb scipy-0.11.0-goalf-1.1.0-no-OFED-Python-2.7.3.eb --robot I got an error : /bin/bash: patch: command not found patch is indeed not installed...
### Description In the Rainbow reader, _FillValue is set to 0 and _Undetect is not set. This is causing a loss of information. Normally _Fillvalue should be set to 255...
The TH from ODIM would be translated into DBTH in FM301.
The bureau of meteorology in Australia is developing [a C++ API for FM301](https://gitlab.com/bom-radar/fm301) We might want to exchange experience with this project.
I cannot find a way to distinguish between the dataset variables and ancillary variables.
In Rainbow, the radar measurements can be sampled for a given fixed angle step (fixselect>Anglestep) It would be nice to have the option to use this as regular nominal coordinates...