Egor Bogomolov
Egor Bogomolov
Thank you for your reply! We will try to auto-generate some documentation and post a link here.
Hello @sariforo! Could you please tell in which directory you run the aforementioned command?
An alternative solution would be to add path to the cloned directory to your python path environment variable
It's time to report the very first results! As explained in #5, I'm struggling with ±1 character mistakes. That's why I report two results: * MAP = 0.342 – evaluation...
Update: * ±1 MAP = 0.654
After the dataset fix, I've recomputed the score. The best so far is: * MRR = 0.7539
Should I post further progress as comments in this issue or just edit it?
Hi @monperrus Performance is the same, no updates for now.
Hello, things have changed since the beginning of the competition. I don't study in the Academic university anymore. Now I represent Higher School of Economics and [JetBrains Research]( :)