I started a plugin and it works for Android (base functionality only). I'm not an iOS developer so if anyone wants to add the iOS part or improve the Android...
I started a plugin (and henlamk helped me on the iOS part) and it works for Android and iOS (base functionality only).
It seems my plugin is still the only available one and no official one in sight :( But we dearly need an iOS programmer to fix the iOS part. @henlamk...
> are you using the `widgetbook` package or the `widgetbook_generator` package? Both, but the widgetbook app is generated by the generator. I think that's what you are asking.
> We will likely implement a button with which the user can specify how to sort the navigation panel elements > * Ascending > * Descending I personally don't see...
I tried to make a reproducible stackblitz but did not succeed. Some more investigation: nuxt 3.0.0 uses nitro 1.0.0, nuxt 3.1.0 uses nitro 2.0.0. The error mentions `index.mjs`. This file...
> This is not reproducible for me: I would confirm you actually have the `sitemap` package installed. `sitemap` was not installed and it worked without in `nuxt 3.0.0`. Now...