Erick Gallesio

Results 53 comments of Erick Gallesio

Hi @jpellegrini. It is clear that the macro system must be rewritten, but hygienic macros are far above my head. This is why the implementation of macro is so poor...

> Anyway - where is the macro code of STklos located? The code for non hygienic macro is in the compiler and the code for hygienic macro is in `lib/mbe.stk`

> I am reviewing the macro system options and SRFIs, articles, etc, related to them. It may take a while, but if you don't mind @egallesio , I'd like to...

Very sad to read that you're not well. Hope that things will go better for you very soon. I was not too active too, especially on this issue, and I'm...

Hi @jpellegrini, - As you have seen, all the macros are defined at the global level. This is not a good thing, but it was on my TODO list to...

Not sure that my explanation is clear. Tell me if it is not the case.

Thanks to *you* Geronimo, I will be slow too since I have a lot of courses in this period. But if your `define-syntax` is a wrapper around the actual `define-macro`,...

Weird..... > I can't find where apply is defined in the source code! Where is it? in `vm.c`

Hi @jpellegrini, I think there is no problem here, in fact :wink: : module `x` implicitly import module `STklos`. That means that using `car` in module `x` results in using...

It's already on my TODO list :smiley: Don't worry, I'll do it (but probably for after 2.00, because the code about loading is too complicated and needs some rewriting).