Hello, thanks for work. I tried to inference you network with rectnet weights and get strange result like this . Maybe you know what can go wrong with that? And...
I tried to extract features and got very interesting results.  As you can see level 6 features was constant. I used different pictures and checked all...
Thanks for work, can you please help me with this issue During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "evaluation.py", line 325, in...
In your article in approach you said that common practice by the traditional methods is to post-process the optical flow using contextual information, such as median filtering and bilateral filtering.Are...
Hello, thanks for work. I wanted to understand what types of matrix you used, so i tried icl-nuim dataset and get pretty strange results. What can do wrong? Can you...
conditional_text hasn't supported yet?
Hello, i have this issue RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device I used docker Can anyone help me with that?
Hello, thanks for you work. Please, can you help me, I need to get function, which compute rigid motion from optical flow and depth information. Maybe you have some of...
Thanks for work, can you explain how I can use scannet dataset for inference, i downloaded it, but it have differnet hierarchy. I cannot find rgb for example