JavaFXLibrary copied to clipboard
Robot Framework library for JavaFX automation based on TestFX
Need to pring Java 11 support. It seems JavaFX is now separate library, need to add that to maven pom.xml file.
There is unnecessary *-jar-with-dependencies.jar and original-*.jar. First one can be removed with `false` in maven-assembly-plugin, second one with: Needs testing is there side effects.
After starting the java 11 remote server at port 8270 `java --module-path /opt/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.base,,,javafx.swing,javafx.web -Djdk.gtk.version=2 -jar /opt/robot_javafx_jars/javafxlibrary-0.6.0.jar` I attempt to run my robot file with my IP Address: ```...
Hi, I've developed a small **JavaFX** application integrated with **Spring Boot** and I'm trying to use Robot framework for end 2 end tests. For a simple JavaFX/Spring boot application, please...
Using keyword Launch JavaFX Application is required for initializing the library when it's being used as a java agent. There should be a separate keyword for this or the init...
We have nice docker-compose environment where can test acceptance tests but it fails when running ` all` for both local and remote tests. Works OK on native Windows and OSX....
We have different line feeds in code base (LF/CRLF). This should be fixed. Also formatting varies, this should be fixed also with .editorconfig so that pull requests are easier to...
Log4j configuration is common with application under test (AUT). We should separate it so that we would get separate log under current working directory related to what happens in library...
If the remote library server and tests are running on the same machine, the server must be restarted between test executions. If the server is not restarted, test applications will...