JavaFXLibrary copied to clipboard
Launch JavaFX Application Causes Exception
After starting the java 11 remote server at port 8270
java --module-path /opt/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.base,,,javafx.swing,javafx.web -Djdk.gtk.version=2 -jar /opt/robot_javafx_jars/javafxlibrary-0.6.0.jar
I attempt to run my robot file with my IP Address:
*** Settings ***
Library Remote http://ip_address:8270 WITH NAME JavaFXLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Test Text Field Text Should Be
Launch JavaFX Application org.ocui.login.LoginUI
and am getting the error FxRobot not initialized, launch test application with the library. My start and main method are in the LoginUI class and launches normally for java fx without any arguments. After tracing through the JavaFXLibrary code, I don't understand why there would be an exception thrown when creating the new session for launching the application. Just wondering if I am missing anything in the robot keyword.
Below is the log file:
KEYWORD: JavaFXLibrary . Launch Javafx Application org.ocui.login.LoginUI
Documentation: Launches JavaFX application with the given arguments.
Start / End / Elapsed: 20200918 14:22:03.775 / 20200918 14:22:09.333 / 00:00:05.558
14:22:09.332 INFO Starting application:org.ocui.login.LoginUI
14:22:09.332 INFO JavaFXLibrary keyword has failed!
14:22:09.332 ERROR FxRobot not initialized, launch test application with the library
14:22:09.333 FAIL Unable to launch application: org.ocui.login.LoginUI
Java 11 is not yet supported, we have #23 on the works.