Frank Carver
Frank Carver
Hmm. auto-closing feature/enhancement requests seems a bit drastic. I still think that this is needed as, right now, I am forced to switch off autocorrect substitutions completely.
OK. That's fair. Maybe I should mention this one on discord and see if anyone else is interested or has any better suggestions. Thanks.
I can see that. Personally, I don't really care whether the snippets in the workspace replace or extend ones stored in the machine. What I need is to be able...
That's certainly better than what we have now, and would cope with a lot of cases, so by all means implement it! It still doesn't help if you find yourself...
Would it be possible to use separate, stand-alone, preprocessor as a make step before assembly? There are plenty available although I haven't checked which ones preserve lines and indentation properly....
> I'd like to avoid reinventing the wheel if possible. Says the person who wrote their own assembler and forth interpreter :roll_eyes: but I get the point. I'll have a...