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A research language with effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism

Results 151 effekt issues
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On hover, currently a summary is shown together with the declared type. Also show the actual type at that position.


This is a draft PR for discussion and tracking the changes on this branch :)


Handle evidence and use it to execute effect operations in the correct context. Is not yet correctly implemented in the llvm backend (number of stacks to pop is ignored), so...

Based on https://github.com/effekt-lang/effekt/pull/164, implement handling of evidence for the jit backend.


This PR is only for discussion and keeping track of the changes in JIT.


This adds a basic implementation for interfaces and new into Machine and adds a example for usage. This also supports multiple methods, but llvm currently does not (and JIT is...

I was playing around with objects and managed to write `resume( ... )` by accident. This however produced a very confusing error message about not being able to infer the...


Following up on #148, we should type check the return type annotation of object operations. As of right now, we reject all return type annotations given by the user on...


I started working on a typed version of our core representation. It would be great to gather feedback on it. In particular, I am interested in - learning whether it...
