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A research language with effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism

Results 151 effekt issues
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It would be great if our LSP server could support autocompletion. At first, regardless of the cursor position it could autocomplete - keywords (probably easiest) - identifiers in scope of...


In both the workflow runs - (#320) https://github.com/effekt-lang/effekt/actions/runs/7034447758/job/19142525276?pr=321 | https://github.com/effekt-lang/effekt/actions/runs/7034447758/job/19142525276?pr=321#step:9:208 - (#321) https://github.com/effekt-lang/effekt/actions/runs/7019874175/job/19098324052 | https://github.com/effekt-lang/effekt/actions/runs/7019874175/job/19098324052#step:9:197 one of the tests fails with something like ``` ==> X effekt.ChezScheme*Tests.examples/pos/multieffects.effekt (chez-callcc) 2.115s java.io.IOException:...


The motivation is wrapping a block into a box in order to facilitate a nicer API. (using `orElse { ... } { ... }` instead of `orElse(box { ... },...


## Description Currently, it is possible to omit parameter types for computation literals like in this (minimal) example ```scala def f() { g: Int => Int }: Int = g(42)...


Minimal example: ```scala extern pure def foo(): String = "\"this is a string\"" ``` throws an error as `\"` is not allowed in extern strings: However, double quote escaping works...


Consider the following program: ``` def main() = { var i = 0; i = i + 1; () } ``` It gets transformed to the following Core: ``` def...

good first issue

Currently, we differentiate between effects and capabilities. Capabilities in a function's signature are to be seen requirements to the call-site and not the actual effects a function may use. This...


linter bug: Unbox requires a boxed type, but got Array[Int].effekt minified example: ``` def test(arr: Array[Int]) = { arr.put(3,12) } ```


A Stepper/Debugger that allows to set breakpoints and see the state of the program during runtime would be very helpful
