What code are you using? stacked denoising autoencoder?
This is actually the issue of the original paper and their released code. I also find this issue annoying. But I find that using xavier initialization for the weights could...
@chulaihunde I converted from [original VaDE]( page. But I really don't know how they get the pretrained weights. Let me know if you figured that out.
Note that it is `-torch.sum(first_term + second_term)`. I enclose the two terms inside the sum with a negative sign on the front. In math, it should be `-log(1/2*pi*sigma^2) - (x-mu)^2/sigma^2`.
say, there are two documents in the dataset and bow represented as [[0, 10, 1, 5], [2, 3, 6, 10]]. Normalize over the maximum coocurrences for each word, then the...
The model contains m_U and m_V variables. After the training, the embedding of each user and item is already found. To predict, simply do dot product for a m_U and...
Of course it does. The information is considered during training. Two parts of information are included: collaborative info and content info. And that's how the model gets m_U and m_V....
I don't think so. Since V changes, U will change.
Any idea this error? ``` Say something... RealTimeSTT: root - WARNING - Audio queue size exceeds latency limit. Current size: 84. Discarding old audio chunks. zsh: segmentation fault PYTHONPATH=. python...
thanks @KoljaB . I get around this by use a transcribe function, instead of sending data to transcribe via Pipe. From the design, it seems that there is no need...