Ethan Gardener
Ethan Gardener
Ah! Of course. I'm using 0.7.0, the last binary release for Windows (AFAIK). However, I'm giving up on it anyway as it has serious vocabulary bugs. I might try your...
That's good news. Thanks :)
Pforth is written in C, designed to be very portable, and is public domain. I don't know about its performance relative to Jonesforth, I guess that needs testing. (I haven't...
Fth is also written in C, but I can't say much about it. It has features such as array hash & string which you might not want alongside the BBC...
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019, at 8:51 AM, sirjofri wrote: > This is a feature request/enhancement. On many current phones there is no way to insert an sdcard due to...
Welcome. :) Is /sdcard (the directory) really not present on your phone? All my devices have /sdcard as a link to one of the other two, except the Android 4...
how do you "solve it with mntgen"? do you mount mntgen on /n or /? mntgen only works at one level, so if you mount it on / to cause...
On Sat, Jan 12, 2019, at 7:49 AM, Adam Kučerňák wrote: > No, i mount it on /n. It was just an example. You can't delete/edit files/directories in the Inferno...