Erica Eaton
Erica Eaton
Thank you for reporting this issue, we are looking into a fix for the issue.
Hi @taranabhangoo and @PineapplePie. In Amplify Android 1.37.4, we released a fix to replace "invalid_request" with a more specific message for the underlying exception message. Please let us know if...
Thank you for reporting this issue. I was able to reproduce the issue and am looking into a fix.
A fix for the issue has been released in Amplify Android 1.37.4.
A large dataset can cause DataStore sync to take more time to sync all the records and send the READY event. You can limit the number of records being synced...
These PRs have been released as part of version 3.2.1.
Closing this issue as the issue has been resolved.
Hi @CeccoCQ. Do you have email configured as an alias for username (user can sign in with a username or an email) or can the user only sign in with...
Hi @CeccoCQ, thank you for providing more details about your auth flow and setup. We are working on reproducing the issue with the additional information you provided.
@CeccoCQ are you still experiencing this issue? If so, could you try checking your user pool settings as @zemacnica suggested?