Edward Murphy

Results 24 comments of Edward Murphy

@jhenaoz I finished the implementation for interpreting basic semver's from the package.json. Also I'm currently still working on the logic for interpreting complex semver expressions. My idea for this is...

@ljharb I completed the first step of this implementation of extracting the engines.node value from the local package.json file and finished extensively testing this logic. Could you review `nvm_get_node_from_pkg_json()` and...

@paulswebapps The current implementation in this PR works but there is still some optimizing and testing left to do. Now that we have a proof of concept, I'm just waiting...

@markmhx What's there is not polished code yet, but it does prove that the algorithm works so I was hoping to get some high-level feedback on the changes in nvm.sh...

@yvele that would be doable and much simpler but what additional value would that bring that you couldn't already do by specifying a semver for `nvm use` in the .nvmrc?...

@yvele I appreciate the feedback and could go either way on a custom field in the package.json vs. just using the engines.node field. As for your P.S., I agree with...

Somehow I messed up the git history for my branch and it was causing problems merging in changes from upstream so I had to squash merge all my changes up...

@ljharb At this point I believe I've simplified/optimized this to the best of my ability and am looking for feedback on the approach before I write the rest of the...

@ljharb Thank you for your previous review. At this point I have addressed all your comments. I also finished writing the rest of the tests and now believe the implementation...

@danawoodman right now it looks like this PR is currently stalled on the problem of it being prohibitively complex. It does have extensive test coverage which provides some solid assurances....