Edwin Jakobs
Edwin Jakobs
Closing issue, stale feature request.
I am maintaining a feature branch that provides GLES support: https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr/tree/feature-gles-angle
Said branch is merged into master
Although I agree with the sentiment, there are no actionable items here and the issue is stale. Closing time.
This PR went stale, @hamoid's efforts to revive the PR can be found in https://github.com/openrndr/orx/pull/301 and have recently been merged into master.
Converted to draft as it is still work in progress. Discussed with @hamoid that he will assist finalizing the PR
Please update/comment all changes between releases 0.4.1 and 0.4.2
Admittedly `orx-compositor` is written entirely without thinking of releasing resources. OPENRNDR has a hidden resource manager provided by `Session`, it is primarily used to release resources in the live coding...
Has this ever been resolved? I seem to still run into the issue using 94f8764bcf
I guess not. I tried the same grammar (something very similar to MiniCalc) with the Java based Antlr tooling and there the operator precedence works as expected.