Edwin Jakobs
Edwin Jakobs
> What would be best if we wanted to control two or more viewports with the mouse? Say drag on one viewport to rotate, then on a second viewport. That's...
@CodeCox you bring up some interesting points, some of which I have run into myself. Most of these are issues for OPENRNDR so we should move to conversation there at...
You can use mouse scroll to adjust the saturation in the color picker. If the point is that nobody can guess that, I would agree :)
Hey. I will have a look at getting that functionality in but I have limited capacity to get this done. In case you need a quick solution that's relatively inexpensive...
4357c18ef9e2df201313c7861d6f64c09c78b344 removes the warning and throws an error when a profiler or debugger is attached to the process.
> Is it expected that `colors`, `weights` and `List` have the same number of elements? preferably yes, alternatively one could repeat the last color and/or weight. however that is both...
Closing this issue. OPENRNDR has become more dependent on Kotlin language features and support for Java is not in enough in demand to justify the effort.
Closing the issue because it is old and not enough context is provided to determine if it is still relevant.
Most of this has find its way into OPENRNDR through the work of Vechro. Closing.
It is the result of an optimization (single stencil pass). You could abuse the 3d line drawing, which does not use stenciling to get the desired blending.