Edwin Jakobs
Edwin Jakobs
The WebGL version is indeed a great paving on the road towards GLES. What I have learned so far from targeting WebGL1 * The OPENRNDR core uses a fairly small...
I totally agree with the intention, it is the reason why that warning is there in the first place. I think we can improve the warning a bit by giving...
@kureta I don't think the warning is a cause to your problem. I am also still not sure what causes these errors. Can you try to play that `/dev/video4/` source...
It looks like those warnings can be safely ignored (I'd rather see them disappear but I am sure we will see that in some future version of javacpp): https://github.com/bytedeco/javacpp/issues/418#issuecomment-666310041
Think we should add TIFF support through an ORX. In my experience TIFF is a complex format, that can be faster under certain conditions (mostly when compression is disabled). Note...
My apologies for repurposing this (old) issue for a question. I am working with LWJGL3 and was wondering how you (@Spasi) set it up to work in headless mode. Is...
@Spasi I ended up using LWJGL's EGL bindings as OSMesa only provides software rendering using the OpenGL 2.x API
@MadcowD I have some code from a larger codebase that comes with an EGL back-end, you can find it here: https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr/blob/master/openrndr-gl3/src/main/kotlin/org/openrndr/internal/gl3/ApplicationEGLGL3.kt
@MadcowD you create the GL context using EGL, like in the code I linked prior.
Another approach would be to check if `userInteraction` is true inside the keyboard and mouse listeners.