Edwin Jakobs
Edwin Jakobs
I am willing to entertain that but I can't find the reasons to support that thought. Let's try this the other way around: what has changed in 1.5.5-SNAPSHOT that should...
Hi @CzBiX, thank you and I absolutely agree that this is a problem. We have some plans lined up to improve the documentation, both for the guide and reference documentation....
@CzBiX do you have any specific parts of the API in mind? If I were to document parts of the API now, which parts should I document first?
I think the problem may be similar to https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3/issues/535. Can be that some of the ByteBuffers are GC'd before `SaveEXRImageToFile` is called.
Problem exists also in OR 0.4
I tried calling rewind() on almost all of buffers at the end of the function (just to make sure the buffers are referenced and not tagged for gc) but the...
https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr/commit/e62f2a934253738ba90ea9a676df9a92e951324f fixes it for OPENRNDR 0.4
The shape drawer relies on a stencil buffer being in place. I do recall the shape drawer errors when no depth buffer is available, but it should also check for...
I can't find a way to get the program arguments outside of `main(args: Array)` that preserves double quoted input.
Hi @mhaqs while I understand the intention and the need for drawing methods that allow a way of working similar to what you propose, it is not exactly a bug....