Ed Beecroft
Ed Beecroft
> Hello! You should be able to do this by [creating a Subscription](https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/overview#how-payments-work-subscriptions) with `payment_behavior: 'default_incomplete'`, which will give you a PaymentIntent client secret. You'll want to pass that client...
This is not functionality you should naturally expect from this library. It can also be very easily researched. Here is one such example: [Extracting thumbnails from videos in Swift](https://www.swiftdevcenter.com/get-thumbnail-from-video-url-in-background-swift/)
Until this is officially added, you can workaround the incumbent double tap gesture recognizer, with something like: ``` let slideshowSubviews = imageSlideshowView.slideshowItems.compactMap({ $0.subviews }).reduce([], +) slideshowSubviews.forEach { subview in if...